Heads On Sticks & Ventriloquists

The prodigious writings of a tortured genius.

Friday, September 08, 2006

No update long time

Well, shit.

I haven't updated this thing in awhile, but I still plan to, I just don't have internet right now at my home home, and then I moved into this new place that continues the not-having-ness of the internet. But stuff has been going on. Here's the scoop.

In EXB's absence, I decided to branch off a little and write solely electronic music. Since there's no rap, I get more room for experimenting... don't worry, it's still reallly lame. I'm in the process of setting up a myspace site for it, but since I don't have internet til the 15th (fingers crossed), I have to wait a little. It's called Big Dinosaur, see what's there for now.

In other news, our mutual friend Jon Katz of MCV fame, recently attended the filming of Weird Al's new music video. Keep an eye peeled.


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